in: Wellness

Vata, Pitta, or Kapha? Take This Dosha Quiz & Find Out!

Stop taking quizzes about which Disney princess is your spirit animal, and take the dosha quiz. Only if you’re into the idea of achieving inner balance, that is.

I’ll be honest. I’m new to the Ayurveda lifestyle. Before this dosha quiz, Vata, Pitta and Kapha sounded like a few fraternity brothers snacking on hummus.

After some internet diving and a little help from The Chopra Center website, I learned about all three doshas, which dosha matches my body and mind and what it all means.

For anyone feeling “a little off” lately, this could be your portal back into emotional well-being. The seemingly simple quiz reveals things about your love life (or lack thereof), work-life balance and emotional intelligence.

Take the quiz here

And for those of you who are wondering, I’m a mix of all three doshas (which is apparently rare and super cool).

About the Author:

Kyriel Manzo

You can find Kyriel browsing the stands at the Amish Farmers Market, at the dog park with her rescue hound named Bruno, or begging her fiancé to go for a hike.


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