MeetMindful | A Fuller Life Together

30 Life-Changing Things to Do at 30

Your family and friends, generation and culture all have scripts telling you what things to do at 30. Krystal Baugher shares her life-changing bucket list.

I recently turned to big 3-0 and to my utter shock I entered this new age bracket with much more grace and ease than I had imagined I would. I didn’t cry, because why? I’ve survived thirty years on this planet and that’s pretty remarkable. Every day I get to breath in this crisp mountain air, I get to write words other people read and frankly, I’m hotter than ever.

But because it was my birthday and all, I decided that since I’ve always been a goal-person, I’d make an entirely new list for the fresh years ahead of me.

Here are 30 things to do when you hit the dirty 30 (or any age if you are so brave)

1.  Break Up with People Who Are Just Okay.

Who needs okay friends, significant others, bosses etc.? We should only have the extraordinary people in our lives that make us feel radiant and full of joy.

2. Runaway Getaway.

Travel to some swanky location with your best friend; there’s no specific reason to do it, except perhaps your spirits need it.

3. Learn a New Skill.

This can be something transferable via career-path or something way more exciting like tarot card reading or rock climbing.

4. Do the Biggest Purge of Your Shit that You’ve Ever Done.

Those jeans from high school, ditch them. Even if they still fit, let them go.

5. Do the Biggest Purge of Your Social Media that You’ve Ever Done.

Un-friend all of the people you don’t know or don’t like learning about.

6. Write Gratitude Letters to Everyone You’re Thankful For.

And actually send them.

7. Finally Finish that Fucking Book You’ve Been Writing.

We all say we’re going to write the next great American novel, but then we flake out… quit flaking out.

8. Get on Shark Tank.

Or your favorite reality tv show that showcases one (or more) of your talents.

9. Run in a Race.

Cuz that’s what 30-year-olds do right?

10. Do a Cleanse.

If you’ve already cleaned out your closet and your social media, why not clean out your insides too. (I’ve done the Conscious Cleanse while working at Gaiam TV and it seems to be pretty legit.)

11. Create a Tradition.

This can be something you do every year or every month. Or maybe you can do it for other people’s birthdays, like send them a card with a $5 bill, like grandma used to do. Something silly that you and your loved ones look forward to.

12. Become a Sex Instructor in the Bedroom.

It’s time my friends. Time to finally say what you want, exactly what you want. No fear, no shame, just pure and simple desires met.

13. Play Out a Fantasy.

School girl? Pegging? BDSM? Give that one bold and beautiful fantasy a whirl.

14. Buy That Expensive Thing You’ve Always Wanted.

Within reasonable means that is. I wouldn’t suggest getting a Benz on a minimum wage salary, but maybe that cashmere sweater you’ve been eyeing.

15. Learn How to Punch Someone Properly.

I’m not saying to properly punch someone, but know how, you know, just in case.

16. Sing That One Song at Karaoke That You’ve Always Been Afraid to Sing.

“I will always love you,” “hit me with your best shot?” “my heart will go on,” anyone? anyone?

17. Go Retreat Yourself.

Yoga, Meditation, Beer Brewing—find yours and get there.

18. Fall in Love with No Fear.

Who has time for fear these days?

19. Look Good in Dem Genes.

Discover your true heritage with a genealogy test. I’m a mutt, but I want to know what kind of mutt I am.

20. Read a Classic and a Trash-ic

Books come in all styles, lengths, qualities. Try one of each.

21. Revert to Your Kid-Self for a Day.

Go to the playground, find a coloring book or a sandbox. Look at everything like you were 5 years old and full of wonder.

22. Bury that Hatchet.

You don’t have to forget, because who would want it to happen again, but let go of the pain, the grudge, the resentment; forgive the person who hurt you and at the same time forgive yourself.

23. Freaky Friday with Someone.

There’s that saying about walking a mile in someone else’s shoes. Well, why not literally walk a mile in someone else’s shoes? Sure none of us can pull a Lindsay Lohan/Jamie Lee Curtis body switch, but we can totally spend a night pretending to be someone else (find someone with the same size shoes…).

24. Single–Revive Your Profile, Attached–Revive Your Attachment.

Revisit your online dating profile and update it according to your newest desires, wants, and needs. Or, if you’re with someone revisit why that is–and tell that person all the good things you like about the relationship.

25. Eat Something Really, Really Weird.

We often get stuck in the same diet routine. Branch out and buy that strange fruit or odd menu item, you probably won’t die from it.

26. Tell An Old Crush About Your Old Crush.

Surely you’re over it by now, might as well let it be known; it’s always nice to know that someone has liked you, even if the feelings aren’t mutual.

27. Do Random Acts of Kindness All Over the Place Every Day.

From little things like compliments to buying coffee for the person behind to big things like volunteering or mentoring, being kind is the new cool.

28. Live in a Different Country for like 6 months.

Because it’s an adventure good for the mind and the spirit.

29. Dance Naked in the Rain.

It might be the quickest way to feel utterly and completely alive.

30. Write Your Own Bucket List and Share it with Friends.

There are so many amazing things to do in the world. You know you want to get out there and do them!

I can’t wait to see you out there.

[image: via U.S. Army on flickr]
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