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7 Traits of Genuine People

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It’s no secret that people who are comfortable in their own skin have a magnetism like no other. Check out these traits of genuine people and learn to shine

Being genuine is probably one of the traits we value most in our potential lovers. When we want to explore something with someone, those who are genuine are those we would not hesitate to turn to. Being more genuine will help enormously in dating and in relationships with anyone you interact with regularly.

Here are seven traits of genuine people:

1. They listen.

Genuine people are listeners. They understand the importance of being present while hearing another person out as well as responding with sincerity. Some people are simply waiting for their turn to speak during a conversation, a genuine person takes the time to listen and learn about others.

Learn to really listen when others speak and remember details. This will show people you’re in relationship with that you care enough to note even the tiniest pieces of their personal experience—it’s a small gesture that goes a long way to help connect with others.

2. They are not concerned with being liked.

Being overly concerned with other people’s opinions is one simple way to be miserable. Genuine people don’t care about other’s opinions. Instead, they simply do the things that are true to them and to their spirit. This allows them to be themselves without worrying if other people like them—which, though it may seem counterintuitive, generally results in more people liking them.

Be yourself and everything else will follow.

3. They practice what they preach.

Genuine people “walk the walk.” They are not hypocrites in any way and you can count on them to do what they say they will do. If a genuine person “preaches” to you, you can be sure they are also acting on what they are telling you.

To show your own authenticity, follow through on what you say.

4. They share their real thoughts about life.

Small talk is great, but genuine people prefer deep conversation that allows them to express their true feelings and deep thoughts. Genuine people speak their minds, seeking our real conversation with other and they grow because of this.

Want to be more authentic? Simply speak the truth and allow yourself be vulnerable around others.

5. They have a sense of humor.

Genuine people are able to see the joy in everyday life and have a good sense of humor about its ups and downs. They aren’t mean-spirited in their humor, rather light-hearted, supportive, and emotionally free.

Laugh off the small stuff and embrace the fun anywhere you can find it.

6. They don’t need money to be happy.

While money is nice, it is not everything. Genuine people know this and they seek out more than just material possessions as a result. Money comes and goes, but genuine people never chase money for money’s sake. They seek to do well in life and know that money will follow.

While many genuine people are highly successful, they know that money alone does not secure happiness. They focus on family, friends, and helping others in order to find satisfaction in their own lives. If you wish to truly be a genuine person, don’t rely on your bank account. Seek out people and experiences that light you up, that’s the joy that will radiate through.

7. They are confident in themselves.

Genuine people have strong self-esteem. They do not succumb easily to criticism and they have an inherent self-confidence. Not to be confused with a person who is egotistical or narcissistic—as these traits are seen as highly undesirable—they simply believe in themselves and feel comfortable in their own skin.

As a starting place, take a good look at how you view yourself. You are an amazing person and when you believe that, others will too.

About the Author

Janet Miller is a personal trainer, executive coach and cofounder of Jen Reviews. She has worked with Fortune 500 executives around the world and has been featured on Fast Company, The Muse and The Huffington Post.

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