MeetMindful | A Fuller Life Together

Waiting & Becoming: A Song of Love & Light

We love love. We love love letters, love reminders, love expressions. We love this, too… a song of love from one writer’s heart to yours.

“Let go of how you thought your life should be and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into Your consciousness.”

—Caroline Myss

Sometimes it is so hard to wait, even if you know that you are in the process of becoming all that you are. So here is a love letter, written to myself and to you:

You are beautiful.

You are a healer, a builder. You are love, and light.

You are forging your own path and it is so hard. It is arduous, challenging, and completely overwhelming at times. But you are doing it. And you will keep doing it.

You will keep learning how to show yourself (and others) kindness and grace in the middle of this blessed task. Grace to be imperfect. To learn and grow. To make mistakes, to find your wings and your voice. No matter what that looks like at first.

You just keep at it. Keep showing up to your life, as it is, every day. Your work is incalculable. Who you are is invaluable.

Your purpose in life is to bloom, and help others to bloom. To see and express beauty. Your truth is much needed.

You need to practice dangerous, rule-breaking compassion. Radical love, openness and acceptance—not towards others (that will come), but toward yourself.

Practice clear thinking and seeing. And then, listening, understanding, forgiving, and learning—from your hardest circumstances and challenges.

On your journey, know that, as Rainer Maria Rilke said, “nobody can counsel and help you, nobody. There is only one single way. Go into yourself.” Be brave, as you go into yourself.

Know that I love you. You are loved. If all the fear and hate and struggle and pain were put together, know it would be only one drop, in a vast ocean of love. Love is more and greater than the naked mind could ever imagine. Believe in love. And it will manifest, it is limitless.

You are truly a shining soul.

You are brave and strong, authentic, lovely, and filled with a positive, healing energy.

I am so proud of you, sticking to this journey. It has been incredibly hard and painful, you have been so often misunderstood. But that is alright. You have stuck with it. You are determined and resilient, and so courageous.

I love you. I accept you. I approve of you. I honor you. From the deepest place in my being to the deepest place in yours. (Namaste)

May these truths saturate your being, warm your soul, and loose your spirit from its shackles. May you be given the grace to let go of all you thought your life should have been, and sink—gratefully, graciously—into the life that is, right now, trying to work its way into your consciousness.

Selah. (And so it is.)

About the Author

Leah Shiloh Henderson is a writer, photographer, free spirit and life poet living in beautiful British Columbia. She’s traveled around the world volunteering and received her certification in photography and life coaching. Her unique story has led her on a wild ride, sometimes very dark and sometimes dazzlingly light, of learning to love herself deeply and she’s passionate about helping others do the same. She believes in the healing power of creative energy and self love to help us all come back home to our essential selves, which is pure love. You can connect with her and find her writing at: A Life Serendipity

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