MeetMindful | A Fuller Life Together

Turn up the Heat on V-Day with an Aphrodisiac Inspired Meal

Not sure what to whip up this Valentine’s Day? Sara Davenport has you covered (from sensual start to sexy finish) with this aphrodisiac inspired meal.

Forget stuffed animals and balloons… Who’s ready for a Valentine’s Day that makes your toes curl and leaves you blushing at work for weeks to come just thinking about it? We’ve all heard about certain foods being aphrodisiacs. Why is that? I’m not going to go into the science of it all because I want you to be hot and bothered and not put to sleep, but just know that the vitamins and minerals in the recipes below chemically help to turn your body on and rev you up!! Couple that with some extra hot playful fun and you will want to make every weekend Valentine’s Day!!

The Warm Up…. Pomegranate Cocktail (or Mocktail)

Make this ahead of time so all you have to do is pour into a glass and serve to your guest and top with champagne or sparkling water.



Combine the vodka, pomegranate juice, cranberry juice and pomegranate seeds (if using) together and chill.

When ready to serve, fill 3/4 with juice mixture and top with champagne or Proseco.

If it needs chilling, add just a little ice and stir

For Mocktail:

Substitute champagne with soda water or sparkling water and eliminate the vodka all together

Building up to the main event is key. This night isn’t about rushing to the bedroom. It’s about the slow, tantalizing seduction that builds up until you can’t take it anymore.

While enjoying your drink, talk about what’s to come. Make sure you are both open to trying new things. Trust and communication are key to exploring each other. Really listen to what the other person is saying. Don’t be afraid to ask specific questions about what they like, don’t like or maybe would like to try. This is an incredible opportunity to grow together and really take your physical relationship to the next level.

 Little Nibbles…Asparagus, Ricotta and Prosciutto Rolls

You can make this ahead of time and keep in fridge until ready to serve.



Trim two inches off the bottom of each asparagus

Get a medium sized bowl and fill with water and ice—set aside

Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil and season with salt

Place basil in boiling water for only about 20 seconds—when they turn BRIGHT green

Take out of boiling water with a slotted spoon and pop into the ice bath

Remove from ice bath and place basil onto paper towels and squeeze out excess water

Put asparagus into boiling water and allow to cook for about 5 minutes—you want them still firm but cooked. I like my asparagus less cooked and nice and firm and crunchy

Take out of boiling water and into ice bath to stop cooking—remove and set aside to dry

Put the blanched basil leaves into the blender or food processor. Add ricotta cheese, olive oil and salt and pepper to taste. Blend into a nice paste but don’t over due. I would rather it be chunky.

Lay prosciutto slices out on cutting board

Put a dollop of ricotta mixture on the end of each prosciutto slice.

Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

Arrange two asparagus spears in the ricotta mixture and then roll up in the prosciutto

Set aside until ready to serve

Try feeding each other…. Take your time… Let each person really taste what you are giving them. Let your fingers brush their lips… Maybe suck on a finger or thumb. Keep the build up going with each bite, but remember, take your time and don’t be afraid to be extra playful and explore…

The Entree…. Roasted Chili Salmon with an Avocado Salsa

Make the salsa ahead of time, put in a bowl and place saran wrap over the top touching the salsa so little to no air can get in. Have the salmon filets rubbed in spices and ready to pop in the oven ahead of time. Then, you only really need 10 minutes to get this ready to go.


For Salsa


Mix the spices and rub on salmon filets. Pop in the fridge for at least 30 minutes

Pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees

Combine the salsa ingredients together in a bowl—be sure to try it and adjust with more salt or lime juice as you like!

Put the salmon filets on a baking sheet with either parchment paper or foil

Pop the salmon into the oven and cook for 8-10 minutes depending on the size of the filets.

Top with avocado salsa when finished and enjoy!!

Serving dinner…

If you are feeling extra adventurous, use a blind fold on one of you, tying their hands behind their back (use something soft and gentle so they feel safe). Again, there has to be a level of trust here for this to be fun. Then, feed your partner the dinner slowly. Maybe in between bites plant small kisses on them. Nibble their ear… Kiss their collar bone. Slowly brush your fingers over their cheek, their lips, down their neck… They aren’t allowed to see what you are going to do next or touch you. You are in control at this point. It’s supposed to build excitement and nervousness. If you want, swap the blind fold and tie the hands of the other person. Continue the teasing until dinner is finished.

Dessert…. Frozen Banana Bits Covered in Chocolate

Make these ahead of time and keep in freezer until ready to serve. 



Cut each banana into thirds and cut off the ends

Place bananas on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or wax paper

Freeze banana chunks for 60 minutes

Once bananas are frozen, melt the chocolate in the microwave for 45 second, stir, then put it back in for another 15 seconds. (If you don’t have a microwave, heat on the stove in a double broiler)

Stir the coconut oil into the chocolate

Take the bananas out of the freezer and dip them about half way in the chocolate. You want it to be only half covered in chocolate.

Place bananas back on the baking sheet and freeze for at least an additional 15 minutes before serving. You want them hard and cold.

This dessert recipe was picked so you could take it into the bedroom with you, if you would like. Put the bananas on a plate and set them on the night stand. One of you undress the other one, slowly removing pieces of clothing and kissing, licking, dragging your teeth down each body part as you go.

Take the frozen bananas and see what it feels like for your partner to drag them over the skin. Tease them with it. Feed them when you are ready. The combination of hot and cold will bring the blood to the surface and make you even more sensitive. I wouldn’t suggest putting the bananas into you anywhere, but over your skin and in your mouth but once you’ve eaten them, lick each others fingers and take it from there!!! You should be thoroughly turned on and ready to make the most of the night!!

I hope this helps you to plan out a really steamy and spicy night for you and your Valentine. Make this a night to remember and enjoy!!!!

*Recipes found on pinterest and adapted to work specifically for this blog. I like to draw from all sorts of place for inspiration!!

[image: via Temari 09 on flickr]

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