MeetMindful | A Fuller Life Together

Escape the Single “Daze”: 6 Ways to Embrace Singlehood

Singlehood may seem like an obstacle to overcome, but in reality, it is a state of being where massive growth and evolution can occur. Too often, we only cherish it once it’s gone. From romance to wedding, career to maintaining connection, many facets of life in a relationship can hinder your personal growth.

Amazing progress can be made during your single days—or what can be called, ‘The Single Daze.’ Here are six things to remember that can help you embrace singlehood and help you take full advantage of the independence and freedom of this point in your life.

1. You are not alone. Being alone and being Single are not the same. You can be in a committed relationship, yet be extremely lonely. Be mindful about who you are, who you want to be, and who you want to meet. This clarity will allow you to attracted like-minded friendships—friendships that will help you grow and develop.

2. Singlehood is a lifetime opportunity. Begin to frame your single status as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity during which you can charge ahead, consciously creating the life and love you want. This means instead of waiting for Mr. or Mrs. Right to come along and motivate you to be the person you dream of being, you have the tools and space to become that person right now.

3. The Singlehood “School of You.” It’s easier to learn what you do want, do like, and do need while single. It is a period of unadulterated, open exploration, both of the Self and of the commitment you intend to create.

4. Single strength. We sometimes sacrifice freedom, happiness and sanity for the success of the relationship; but singlehood grants you a unique opportunity to discover how strong and capable you are on your own. You are more likely to strive fiercely for success in your life and love when you lack a safety net.

5. Attracting passion. Self-exploration and experimentation in singlehood allows you the time and space to find out what sparks. You could unlock a natural talent, knack or passion for something new.

6. Attracting assets. When your Single life is full and fulfilling, you won’t cling to another for your happiness, fulfillment or adventure. You will notice when someone is adding to your life, or depleting it. Take note if your life has less with someone else in it—true love only adds to your life.

To recap, when you are Single you can:


[photo: flickr]

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