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Hey, What’s Your Dosha? Ayurvedic Tips for Better Dating

Wind blowing hair of red haired woman on beach

Ayurvedic tips for dating? Yes, please! Sarah Lou shares what to expect from the Vata, Pitta, or Kapha in your life and helpful tips if you’re gonna commit.

Being mindful of your own Universal make-up or how the Elements are scattered about in your unique being (your Prakruti, as we say in Ayurveda) is like a magic wand for successful dating. The word Prakruti even sounds magical.

Ayurveda offers us a light to guide by, an ancient wisdom, a method of deciphering the mysteries of the human experience and understanding our physical/emotional/mental tendencies. After a little study, it becomes so incredibly rewarding to find harmony with the seasons, times of day, our stages of life, and the other people in our lives through the simplest forms of energy found in nature.

The Elements in nature are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. These elements make up everything all around us and inside us. Ayurveda is the “science of life” that helps us understand the patterns and cycles we’re subjected to, and serves to help us strike a balance between our outer and inner elemental landscapes.

Ayurveda groups these elements into Doshas, as they appear to “hang out together” in nature. Our unique combination and the prominence of certain Doshas makes up our Prakruti.

The Elements break into Doshas:

Air + Ether = Vata Dosha

Fire (+ a little water) = Pitta Dosha

Earth + Water = Kapha Dosha

If you take the time to understand your potential partner’s Prakruti, or their primary Dosha, you’ll set yourself up for much more fulfilling encounters. You’ll have more meaningful conversation, more chance of compatibility, realistic expectations, and more magic.

My favorite part about understanding the Doshas is that we can begin to see the layered natures of those people in our lives without judgment or desire to change them. We can look past the idiosyncrasies that might have annoyed us and find compassion when things get out of balance. We can also practice great self-love with intuitive guidelines for our uniqueness.

For those of you who know your date’s Prakruti, read on and see some simple tips for dating each Dosha. If you don’t know your date’s (or your own) unique Doshic makeup yet: take a quiz!

Tips for Dating Vata Types:

Tips for Dating Pitta Types:

Tips for Dating Kapha Types:

One Caution:

Try not to diagnose or cast judgment onto your partner. No one likes to feel pigeonholed into a certain way of being. And remember, each one of us is totally unique even if we do have Dosha specific tendencies.

There are also Dual-Dosha combinations, and the elusive Tri-Doshic person, so this is just a general guideline. The playfulness and magical nature of this article hopefully does not undermine the complete scientific nature of Ayurvedic wisdom. For centuries, sages and the masses have used these concepts all over the world. Amazingly, it still has powerful modern relevance. These insights will definitely shine some light on your love life and can also make you a much more mindful partner, sibling, parent, and friend.

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