MeetMindful | A Fuller Life Together

10 Life-Changing TED Talks

 We’ve weeded through the good and not-so good (not that a not-so good Talk exists) to bring you these favorite TED Talks.

I’m sort of obsessed with TED Talks; though I haven’t watched all of them that exist in the world—because there are like thousands of them out there—I have gone through plenty. Every time I do, I walk away a little more inspired. At the end, I always want to go out there and start changing the world.

Here are my top 10 picks that pick me up and get me going.

1. Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

Power poses are by far one of the best things I’ve ever taken away from a TED Talk. Have I ever snuck into a bathroom and stood there like Wonder Woman? Absolutely. Did it help? Totally. How one carries the body reveals so much about who they are and what they can become.

2. Ken Robinson: Do Schools Kill Creativity?

What’s up with our educational value system? Robinson discusses why we should put more weight on nurturing creativity instead of trying to cut if off. It’s interesting to imagine a world where children are not only taught rational thought but encouraged to develop their imaginations as well.

3. Brené Brown: The Power of Vulnerability

This one hits home and is probably my favorite Ted Talk of all time, and is certainly a favorite at MeetMindful. Brown discusses what it means to live whole-heartedly and to truly create connections through authenticity.

4. Elizabeth Gilbert: Your Elusive Creative Genius

Author of the hugely successful book Eat, Pray, Love discusses the concept of someone being creative as opposed to being struck with the occasional jolt of a creative spirit and how one creates to much pressure on the human psyche and how the other one allows humans to continue working.

5. Andrew Solomon: Love, No Matter What

Because love is what makes life worth living. Our differences are what strengthen us. This video examines the philosophical question of acceptance and what the world would look like if there was more sameness.

6. Tony Robbins: Why We Do What We Do

Is it just me or does this guy always know exactly how to motivate? It is his job I suppose, but knowing the “why” of our actions helps to get to the good parts, the better parts, the more successful parts.

7. Rita Pierson: Every Kid Needs a Champion

Positive interactions help build relationships that give children the opportunity to both learn and grow. Education is not about retaining facts but about becoming our best selves and realizing our full potentials.

8. Courtney E. Martin: Reinventing Feminism

There’s something really important here about embracing the paradox that we live in. When I get down I like to watch this one and remind myself that even within my everyday smallness I can make at least a little bit of difference.

9. Andy Puddicombe: All it Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes

Yes. Yes. Yes. We all supposedly do this already right? All of us being part of the “mindful” community and all. Well, personally, I often think about doing it, sometimes I even start doing it for a week and then I forget. I’ll admit it. I’m not very good at the whole meditation thing, but this makes me want to get back to it because mindfulness is a beautiful state of being.

10. Dan Gilbert: The Surprising Science of Happiness

It’s crazy to think that people who win the lottery and people who become paraplegic are equally happy a year later. It proves that happiness is indeed a state of mind and the whole “just be” Beatles’ concept is actually a viable way to live within the world. It doesn’t matter where, who, why, what you are—happiness comes from within.

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