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Mindful Moment #08 – Allow Yourself To Dream

Take a deep breath

Mindfully Manifesting

Manifesting seems like one of those ideas that goes in and out of popularity in modern culture. There are some very “the sky is the limit” and “dream big” takes on the concept, but there are also people who find the very notion wholly distasteful in a “be careful what you wish for” and a recoiling from materialism sort of way.

One could argue that it is intrinsic to human nature to want things and wish for them…on shooting stars or whenever you see the object of your desire. But also intrinsic to existence on this planet, at least among those who abide by a common sense of “civil” existence, you can’t always just take or demand whatever it is that you want, especially if it belongs to someone else.

We commonly know the idea of manifesting through the Law of Attraction which holds that what you receive is the result of what you expect or ask for from the Universe. Some of us may be more familiar with a religious version that looks a bit more like the prosperity gospel by which a higher power will reward faith with riches, health, and happiness. But those of us who regard these tenets of faith or energy projection with a wary eye are those of us who lean a little more toward pragmatism and skepticism. Possibly, some of us wanted so badly to win the cosmic lottery and found ourselves falling short somehow, and naturally blamed ourselves for not “doing it right.” Or we just shrugged it off as one more thing we learned that didn’t live up to the advertising.

However, a good many of us have had dreams come true. The awesome job
became reality, the health scare was overcome, or the relationship happened just as we had hoped. Honestly, we’ve all had a dose of successes and failures, because that’s just life. I’d also venture to say that some of us have witnessed something akin to magic weave serendipity into our lives, even if it came with the help of finely tuned goals and a commitment to the work to make those dreams become reality. So, how can we use mindfulness to achieve manifesting?

1. Allow yourself to dream.

The realities of the humdrum can really take a toll on what our hearts want. I always ask people what they want to be when they grow up, at whatever age they are. Some people are puzzled, explaining that they are indeed already “grown up,” but I push again. If you didn’t have to worry about your mortgage or bills or age or whatever limitations you believe you have, what would you love to be doing?

2. Build the vision in your mind’s eye.

Sit down, close your eyes, and allow yourself to imagine a way you can actually incorporate your dream into your life. Imagine yourself there. Feel your body in that space. What can you hear? What can you smell? Let that imagination wander around until something feels solid. Focus on a central image that resonates most with you. This is going to be your touchpoint for moving toward the dream, and you are going to think about it to amplify your energy in that direction.

3. Be open to creation as a receiver of inspiration and intuition.

This is where faith comes in. Let yourself believe that your dream could become reality. The Universe has received your intention and energy and is working through electrons and ether to gather the ingredients of your dream for you. You are a co- creator, a co-conspirator with the Universe now, and so that means when you feel a ping of inspiration to check out an idea or a lead that coincides with your dream, you should check it out, because you are gathering the ingredients, too. Stay open to new ideas that occur to you and pay attention with your whole self when opportunity arises. Messages to move toward the dream can come to your heart, mind, or soul. Try to stay receptive while going about your day. Take notes. Jot
down ideas. Save images to your phone. Keep the touchpoint present.

4. Make a “lemonade” plan.

I have a friend who so dearly wanted a child, but by age 37, had not met a partner yet. So, she planned to make the dream of a child happen on her own. She laid out all of the things she would need to do to get from “here” to “there.” She was realistic, but determined, and worked toward each step with purposeful intent. In her son’s birth announcement, she used the adage of “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” explaining how he had come to be. She described how she’d made the checklist of things to do, and about four years later: Lemonade! That checklist approach stuck with me. Even big dreams can happen when you plan for them and show up for the work. Write out your list with every realistic thing that you need to do, even if that list is 42 steps long. This is your map.

5. Show up with grace.

Be kind to yourself when you face obstacles. Know that none of this is set in stone. It’s okay to let this dream go if another one presents itself. It’s okay if it takes a long time to get to the dream. It’s okay if your path takes a right turn and lands you in a place you could have never imagined without pursuing this path first. It’s okay to change your lemonade plan. It’s okay to stop.

But it’s also okay to try. It’s okay to dream. It’s okay to actively pursue those

Good luck on the journey!




We’re feeling inspired by these incredible and thought provoking pieces:

  1. The International Energy Agency wants you to work from home to help curb oil demand and avoid a dangerous supply crunchThe IEA laid out 10 steps to cut oil demand by 2.7 million barrels a day within four months as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threatens global supply. Dust off the home office.
  2. In a first, brain implant lets man with complete paralysis spell out thoughts: ‘I love my cool son.’Surgically placed electrodes enable a father with late-stage ALS to communicate with is son via neural signals. 
  3. James Webb telescope: first images better than expectedThe James Webb telescope has sent back its first focused images, and they have exceeded all hopes and expectations. Take a look at the deep field.

That’s all for today, y’all – remember, taking time to focus on you is an act of love.

We hope you found this helpful – don’t hesitate to reply with any feedback on how we can improve future Mindful Moments! We can’t wait to hear from you.

See you next time! 

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