MeetMindful | A Fuller Life Together

Reignite Your Relationship with Foolish Love

While deep conversation is one way to reignite your relationship, it isn’t the only way. Check out Uri Milman’s fun suggestions for amazing (foolish) love.

One of the best ways I know to reignite my relationship with my partner is to be foolish. When I’m too serious with work, with plans for the future, with all the “grownup” stuff that can consume our time, I become too far removed from my inner child—not allowing myself to live in the moment. I’ve noticed that many times it also diminishes the fire and passion of my relationship.

Sometimes the “doing” part feels like an addictive drug. All I want to do is continue to do things, learn more, create, invent, imagine… all those things my mind can do, and can do well. It feels like I’m feeding my mind and my mind is taking over—at the expense of my inner soul. The thing is, I enjoy mind work a lot. I enjoy doing all of the aforementioned things, but as I said before, it has its price. And in my case, I can see how being overly consumed with too many ‘serious’ things affects my relationship.

Luckily, my beloved one doesn’t let me be too serious for too long and encourages me to be foolish every now and again. Many times I resist at first, usually not for long, and then I play along, letting my guard down. Sometimes I even initiate the foolishness; luckily, most of the time my beloved one joins me without putting up much of a fight.

I prepared a list of activities I like to use to help break the seriousness of the daily grind. These suggestions bring us back to our inner child, and almost always reignite the flame of relationships.

I must warn you, many times, to be foolish is to get messy and dirty, so be prepared. Without further ado, here is my list of foolish activities to awaken your inner child and reignite your relationship:

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What are you waiting for? Let your guard down, forget about your “grownup” stuff for a while, awaken your inner child and reignite your relationship with some foolish fun!

[image: Ryan McGuire]

Uri Milman: Uri and his partner Lali, wrote TwoHaveFun: Great Activities for Awesome Couples, a colorful, challenging, and most importantly, fun ebook designed for couples. They believe fun and playfulness are necessary tools to make any relationship stronger—whether it be a hot new fling or a long-term love. Pop by the site to check out the discounted promotion (through the end of February) and start adding some playfulness to your dating life today!

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