MeetMindful | A Fuller Life Together

The Elusive Mindful Mate (or Searching for Unicorns)

Meeting a person who understands you and aligns with you philosophically is no easy task, not for anyone. We looked into what it takes to find your mindful mate.

So many of us have gone on date after date seeking a potential companion that both intrigues us and shares our core values, but often this social dance plays out to no avail.

Those fortunate few who marry their childhood sweetheart and foster a healthy relationship as they live and grow together are the aberration. They are the exceptions to the rule. Most of us are fated to go through many trials and tribulations before finding our ideal partner; imagine how difficult it must be for someone who is adamant about finding a mate who shares a common and specific lifestyle.

I have struggled to find the right person to accompany me on my journey, and I am not so particular. What I mean is, I don’t care if a girl is a doctor or a bartender, whether she’s a vegan or likes her steak rare, as long as she possesses some key qualities that I find important and endearing; and still, the pool is not that deep.

What if my parameters for a companion were acutely specific? Say I was a single, female yoga teacher, a yogini, who knew that she needed to find a yogi, the male counterpart, to be truly understood and comfortable in a relationship. That would certainly lessen my odds.

Now consider the fact that the yoga community is female dominated. You can almost hear the candidates ticking away.

Suppose this man needed to be both honorable and profoundly spiritual…tick…tick…tick.

Consider that of the men in the yoga community, many prefer the company of other men or have a penchant for sleeping with every woman that walks through the door of their studio…tick…tick…tick.

One can see how a woman in such a predicament would become frustrated and start to believe that such a man does not exist or is merely a fantasy like some mythical creature.

Maya Devi George calls them unicorns in her humorous and thoughtful article for Yoganonymous. To read more about the life of a single yogini, click here.

[image: via yosuke muroya on flickr]

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